No Slave Trail Commission Meeting in August. July 22 press release announces commission has 5 open seats, APPLICATIONS due September 1.
Community Organizing Committee meeting for August to be announced.
July 25: DefendersLIVE features new issue of Virginia Defender with guest, editor Phil Wilayto - listen online at or by radio at 97.3 lp FM, 12noon Mondays (follow on facebook, too)
August 13: Millions March in Harlem
August 19-21: Black Freedom Weekend / Happily Natural Day
August 20-21: Down Home Family Reunion
August 20: Nationwide Day of Action on The Other Wars
August 30: Gabriel's Rebellion Day - 207th anniversary of the planned date for this insurrection.
SAVE THE DATE: October 10, 2011 - A special celebration for Richmond's African Burial Ground at this year's commemoration!
Community Organizing Committee meeting for August to be announced.
July 25: DefendersLIVE features new issue of Virginia Defender with guest, editor Phil Wilayto - listen online at or by radio at 97.3 lp FM, 12noon Mondays (follow on facebook, too)
August 13: Millions March in Harlem
August 19-21: Black Freedom Weekend / Happily Natural Day
August 20-21: Down Home Family Reunion
August 20: Nationwide Day of Action on The Other Wars
August 30: Gabriel's Rebellion Day - 207th anniversary of the planned date for this insurrection.
SAVE THE DATE: October 10, 2011 - A special celebration for Richmond's African Burial Ground at this year's commemoration!