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Showing posts from March, 2012

Sacred Ground Project at Lumpkin's Jail

Civil War & Emancipation Day is April 14, 2012 Visit for schedule. Sacred Ground will have a table at the Lumpkin's Jail site and make a presentation at 1:30. Information about the Remembering Slavery Resistance & Freedom and educational materials will be available, including surveys to gather community input on the Burial Ground memorialization and commemorating Emancipation. Civil War & Emancipation Day is a signature event of The Future of Richmond's Past, a collaborative effort among leaders of Richmond’s historical societies, museums, commissions, cultural and tourism organizations, and educational institutions to frame the upcoming sesquicentennial years in which our city and the nation will commemorate the anniversaries of the Civil War and Emancipation. The Future of Richmond's Past sponsors public programs, special events, and inclusive conversations to advance a better understanding of our City’s shared his...
NOTICE!! Slave Trail Commission Resolution Postponed to April 17 Land Use Committee meeting for discussion and April 30 City Council meeting for vote. 11 am PRESS CONFERENCE to be held at VA NAACP Office on Graham Road behind VUU (off Brook Rd) - called by Va State Conference NAACP, King Salim Khalfani. Speakers to include Mr. Khalfani, Sa'ad El-Amin who has drafted a detailed description of the procedural problems of the Slave Trail Commission, members of the Sacred Ground Project, African Burial Ground Community Organizing Committee, Defenders and Virginia Defender Newspaper. 12 noon today: DefendersLIVE topic: Trayvon Martin and His Murder - LIVE on or 97.3 Lp FM
UNAC anti-war conference underway. Anti-war Strategies from Black Community Organizations workshop begins at 10:45am.
March Roots to Roots at WBCH: Unknown No Longer is the Virginia Slave Name Database - a breakthrough resource with 4,000 names now online for family history research. This exciting development in archival materials access is being led by Dr. Lauranett Lee, first African American intern at the Virginia Historical Society and its inaugural curator of Virginia's African American History. Meet Dr. Lee and learn about this wonderful resource. RSVP by Friday, Mar. 16: 643-2717 ext. 306 or

Bust at Va Capitol is Attack on Women and Rehearsal for Urban Control

The first of the more than 30 people arrested yesterday at the Virginia State Capitol were arraigned on Monday, March 5 at 9 am, at the Manchester Courthouse, 900 Hull St. on South Side. Another group will be arraigned at 9 am on Friday, March 16. The Defenders are urging everyone who can to please attend these hearings as they are scheduled and support these courageous champions of women's rights. These folks, most of them women, were part of a rally and march of around 1,000 people protesting the arch-reactionary bills now being promoted in the General Assembly, including but not limited to the bill that would force women to have - and pay for - an ultrasound exam before being able to get an abortion. The 30-plus people were arrested while peacefully sitting on the steps of the Virginia State Capitol. Though they were nonviolent and made no threat of violence, the police showed up ready for war. There were Capitol police, state troopers in full riot gear and cops in g...