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Showing posts from February, 2012
Thanks for being patient and staying with us. Thanks to Alex and Harvey for sorting out the problem and getting DefendersLIVE back on the air in 5 minutes!
and meanwhile right now: **YES, THE PROTEST *AND* THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY WILL BE IN SESSION ON MONDAY, DESPITE PRECIPITATION AND THE HOLIDAY ** CALL FOR ACTION: On Feb 20th at 11 am, we call for 500 women (but men are very welcome and wanted!) to line either side of the walkway between the General Assembly building and the Capitol in SILENCE as our Senators and Representatives pass between the two buildings several times day to work on passing bills oppressive to women and reproductive rights. **Please note that the legislators WILL be in session on Feb 20!** We are there to tell our elected representatives: Support women's rights to control their bodies! Don't enact oppressive Anti-choice (what pro-life really means) laws! A RALLY will follow at 2pm at the Bell Tower with supportive Senators, Delegates, and women's rights leaders.
Please try to attend this important meeting, which will have major consequences for the future of Richmond's African Burial Ground and the rest of Shockoe Bottom: Land Use Committee Meeting 3 pm, Tuesday, Feb. 21 Council Chambers (2nd floor) Richmond City Hall 900 E. Broad St. Richmond, Va. New resolution seeks to eliminate term limits, reduce commission from 17 to 13 members, and make 8 of those 13 ex-officio. This will formally remove this commission's decision-making processes from public awareness or accountability.


Monday, 20 Feb. at the Virginia GENERAL Assembly 11am SILENT VIGIL followed by 2pm RALLY at the BELL TOWER Details at Temperature at 11am: 40 F / Temperature at 2pm: 45 F
"Black-Red Relations Today: Racism, Genocide, Vital Statistics and Recovery" with Anita & Hugh Harrell of the Weyanoke Association. This is a call in show between 12:20 and 12:40: 804.649-9737. From Nottoway to Cherokee, from Plecker to RACE: Are we really so different From Genocide and Marginalization to Self-Determination? A conversation on the state of African American and American Indian history and relations. with host Ana Edwards Resources/Links - Are Blacks Being Victimized Twice by the Cherokee?